A 'Hand-Book' for everyone. How to prevent RSI explains the reasons we develop RSI – Repetitive Strain Injury – as well as Tendinitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and all the related problems stemming from constant daily use of our hands.
RSI has affected musicians, surgeons, dentists, carpenters,
gardeners, and many others who use their hands constantly in the daily
course of their work. But today it is affecting more and more people
because of the increasing use of computers and mouses.
All businesses with full-time typists – law offices,
accountants, government agencies, schools, universities, etc, can add
How to Prevent RSI to their shelves with confidence that it will help
to alleviate this problem in their workplace.
The Michel
angelo Code – How to Prevent RSI provides
the tools of knowledge by which we can understand how our hands
actually work – and thereby gives us the ability to do something about
it. This information applies to everyone – people typing at computers
just as much as those playing the piano or performing brain surgery.
We are lent a hand in our understanding of this subject by one of history's great observers of the human body.
Alan Kogosowski's combination of classical pianist with
adviser on repetitive strain came about because one of the essential
factors in a concert pianist's career is learning to master RSI. Many
famous pianists have been virtually crippled by CTS – carpal tunnel syndrome,
an affliction much feared in the classical music world, and now also
increasingly so with computer and mouse users. Its effects are so
devastating that pianists are often afraid to speak about it, and
teachers think of it as some kind of mystery illness. The simple truth
is, RSI is a direct result of incorrect posture and modes of hand usage. These are examined clearly and simply in How to Prevent RSI.
Unlike Genius of the Piano, which examines the ever-present danger of RSI for those most at risk – pianists – as well as giving an in-depth picture of the history and culture of the piano, How to Prevent RSI addresses the problem simply and directly in terms of everyone's hand usage – especially those using computers on a sustained basis. The basic points covered are the essence of this ever-growing problem, and they apply to everyone.